Figuring Out Pets

Respecting Animal Rights

Animals, being conscious and responsive, have some similarities with human beings. There are many pet owners in this world who would quickly tell you that animals are unique and they are precious in their own identity, and they should certainly be loved and nurtured. There are many people in this world who don’t really care what animals feel or be concerned that they are nourished and cherished because they are lower than human beings when it comes to intelligence.

There are many people today who do not care about the lives of animals and they don’t see the animals’ right to life that they deserve. Some groups believe that humans should be above all animals and there is a moral distinction between them. There are also those who don’t believe that animals feel, sense, or experience like humans do and that they should not be give a status equal to humans but lower than them. These beliefs came from a faulty sense of righteousness and entitlements. If people will just overcome their biases, then it all boils that to animals having their own rights in this world.

Another right that animals have is the right to thrive in a clean, safe, and sustainable environment. We all know humans have this kind of behavior to destroy the natural world like what they do to lush rainforests which soon becomes flat lands and rich coral reefs are turned into ocean wastelands. If we destroy the environment for human gain, then we are also destroying the only places which animals can call home. We can closely link the animal rights movement to the green movement because of this.

There are animals or animal parts that are being used for products that is to be sold in the market and this is one display of human greed that is gaining popularity. Because of what they can get out of it, animals mortality is completely disregarded by many of these people. Some examples of this are poachers, shark finners, and other people who view animals solely as commodities. A dollar sign has now replaced the basic rights of animals to live. Viable alternatives to animal products should be considered if we believe that animals have the right to live free of suffering.

Animal rights activists are very strong in what they believe in. Below are some of these rights that animals rights advocates believe in.

Animals are neither machine nor objects but are conscious beings. Animals also have interests. Human beings should be responsible to respect interests of animals. Exploitation of animals by human beings is disregarding their rights. If humans treat animals as objects then they are violating animal rights. Human beings should not kill animals.

It takes volumes to really cover the scope of animals rights.

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